Gangster Ministries (GM)  is a National Christ centered Gangster Transformation (intervention / prevention) organization. Involvement in the area of community violence related matters is one of the major social justice issues he has undertaken 

   CEO, Worthy, a LIcensed Minister dubbed “Pastor Worthy “ by his street-congregation of hundreds in the Crenshaw area of South Central Los Angeles, to whom he has been ministering for over a decade.

Pastor Worthy has extensive experience in gang related matters, his knowledge and expertise in the Gang lifestyle as well as in the area of application of  Theological principles to the Gangster culture, sets him above the rest in his field.

   He serves in outreach ministry to Gangsters in conjunction with his role as a City of Los Angeles, Certified Gang Specialist. His role also involves mentoring and training Church Members, Deacons, Pastors of some of the most affluent Churches and neighborhoods, as well as ministering to Gangsters and people from all walks of life, from Watts East Side to the Westside’s South Central from skid row to Death row. 

   As a Pioneer in Gang-Theology he has injected the principles of Christian - Spirituality in serving as a gang consultant to Pastors and Bishops, Los Angeles City Council, Grand Jury of Los angeles County, Community Organizations, Los Angeles Police Department, LAUSD, Gang Intervention Programs nationally,USC, University Cal State, to name a few.

   Pastor Worthy’s, Gang Ministry beginnings can be traced back to 1969 when as a gang founder and leader Worthy was led of God to take his gang to Church. The Churches then, even as now, were not able to provide the necessary aid and assistance to those youths of the street persuasion and thus began Pastor’s Worthy call and commission by God to become the Spiritual Leader sent to the Gangster Nation to provide leadership back to God through Yeshua our source to meet all needs. Pastor Worthy is well known for his intolerance of those who wish to major in the minor problem of gang issues and not look to the solution which he unabashedly proclaims lies in the reality that...

                                        “JESUS SAVES GANGSTERS TOO!”

   GM provides Gangsters an alternative to gangsterism through a life transformation process made possible by the power of God through Jesus Christ facilitated through the  WORD of God which is the oldest evidenced based gang prevention / intervention model in existence and our main instrument utilized to bringing Spiritual growth and development to those in our inner cities who reject the Traditional Church Programs.      

   We are grateful that God has directed you this way and that you were obedient to His leading, for which we pray that God will richly bless you SPIRITUALLY as He continues to bring HIS MEMBERS together to accomplish His will leading others along the path to Spiritual empowerment and freedom.

                                                                 PEACE   unto you and yours...


                                                                                       GANGSTER MINISTRIES


Too many young have succumbed to the diabolical inhumane schemes of this world, as “Christians” it is our duty, our obligation to give of our lives, to save the souls and lives of the down trodden, helpless, the least of those among us, in pursuit of social justice. Where there is False justice there can be no True Peace.                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                               “ Pastor Worthy “